The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria exists to be “an effective environmental regulator and an influential authority on environmental impacts.”
They provide information about the legislation they administer, such as Acts, State Environment Protection Policies (SEPPs), waste management policies (WMPs), regulations and notifiable chemical orders (NCOs).
Noise related legislation
Of most relevance to music venues is the SEPP (Control of Music Noise from Public Premises) No N-2. This policy dates from 1989 and was varied in 1999. A consolidated version has been produced, incorporating the variation.
Licensed music venues have the following clause on their liquor licence:
The licensee shall ensure that the level of noise emitted from the licensed premises shall not exceed the permissible noise levels for entertainment noise as specified in the State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Music Noise from Public Premises) No.N-2.
Please go to this page on the EPA website to read about the policy, and find links to it: Noise legislation.
Here’s a direct link to a consolidated version of the policy: consolidated version (pdf)