Live Performance Australia (LPA), is the peak body for Australia’s live entertainment and performing arts industry.
On June 17 2010, LPA released the report of its first benchmarking study “Size & Scope of the Live Entertainment Industry 2010” by Ernst & Young.
LPA no longer has a page describing this report, but at the time they wrote:
The Study finds that the industry generated revenues of $1.88 billion in 2008 and contributed $1.1 billion to the Australian economy making it larger than film and video production, sports and physical recreation, book publishing and horse and dog racing.
The industry, which employs 13,800 full time equivalent positions, is made up of many diverse sectors ranging from ballet and dance to classical music, theatre and to rock festivals.
Non-classical (contemporary) music is the most significant contributor by event category, comprising 40 percent of the industry’s total value-add.
LPA have since released a 2014 ‘Size and Scope’ report. From the report:
- “the Gross Output of the industry is now $2.5 billion.”
- “In 2011, LPA partnered with APRA-AMCOS, the Australia Council for the Arts, Arts NSW and Arts Victoria to measure the economic contribution of the venue based live music industry (specifically pubs and clubs), which was calculated at $652 million.”
Please see the following links for more information:
Live Performance Australia Reports page
Size & Scope of the Live Entertainment Industry 2010 (pdf) – the 2010 report (on 2008 figures)
Size and Scope of the Live Performance Industry 2014 – the 2014 report (on 2012 figures)
Live entertainment sings to tune of $2b – The Age 17/6/10
Live entertainment bigger than footy – ABC 17/6/10